Monday, July 27, 2009

July 7

We did an assignment with google docs today. I really liked it; and think it would be something fun for my students to do on their free time or something. It has so many fun activities that I know kids would love. It is cool that just one website can have so much information, games, and new stuff to learn.

July 14&16

I wasn't in class this week but I asked my classmates and they said they enjoyed learning about wiki. I had know idea what this was, and have never even heard of it. I person in my class said she has already started one for a tournament she is in charge of. She explained to me that a wiki is kind of like a blog, but other people can be the author instead of just you. It was easy to organize a tournament this way because everyone involved can write their opinion and also read others writings. I think this sounds pretty easy, and helpful in a lot of ways. It would be fun to use in the classroom.

July 21

Today was a really short class, but a few people had the chance to present their lesson plans. There were a couple math lesson plans that looked like a lot of fun. They involved the computor for their technology, and the programs they chose to use were very entertaining, and would help the kids learn. Both of the lesson plans I am talking about could also be used as an extra activity if a child gets done faster than the rest of the class. I hopefully will use the websites provided in my own classroom.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2

My favorite thing in class today was learning about skype. I thought that was so cool, and something new that I didn't know about. I liked the idea to have a conference with a parent; allowing them to stay at their home, and even I would be able to stay home. I know how hard it can be for parents to make time to come to meetings and conferences; so this is a new technology that I would like to impliment into my class to make things a little easier.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30

Today we learned how to use picasa. I loved this because it is free and easy. I actually understood how to do everything. I think I will be able to go home and make all my pictures look a lot better. This will be a very useful to me and my class.

June 25

Today in class we listened to a few presentations. We also learned a little about powerpoint, and that it is good to have mini lesson to present before you begin teaching. These powerpoints help the students see what we will be doing throughout the lesson, what it is about, and the order that things will go in. It is also helpful for the parents of our students to look at and see what their children are learning.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I really enjoyed the presentations today, and hearing all the different ideas about technology in todays school progams. I really liked the idea of using new technology for new things. Instead of using a smart board just like it were a regular white board. We should take advantage of all the great and easy stuff technology has to offer the classroom. Using the technology we have can make class go so much more smoothly, and is much less time consuming. We all need more time; so it is good to learn how to use technology whenever we can.